Quality Counts!
You can cut corners in some things but when it comes to your career training, your future, your success, you can't affort to take any short cuts. You need the best hairdressing/esthetics training facility, the best instructors, the best curriculum. Don't settle for anything else! If you do, you may not get a chance to correct it later. This is not the time to settle for the second best beauty/esthetics school.
Don't end up at the cheapest school or stuck in a big factory school just because you didn't do a good job researching your future career. In other words don't settle for "average". If you plan to work for a budget shop or if the beauty industry is something you don't plan to do long term, find the cheapest, fastest school you can find and go for it. There are many people that simply pass through the beauty industry. If, on the other hand, you feel that you can be a top performer in a top end salon or if you can imagine yourself opening your own salon or spa in the future... you need something better... something more advanced.
The more you learn about how beauty/esthetics schools operate in Alaska, the better your choice will be when selecting the best beauty/esthetics school for you. For instance, one school advertising that they have over 120 years between their four instructors, but what they don't tell you is that two of their instructors died so this number is completely fake. Beyond this, one of the owners of the school has a student permit that isn't even expired yet, THIS is how new she is. Another school owner has a rap sheet longer than her training credentials list. This is the stuff you need to know before you make any decisions about where to train.
One way of finding out more information and looking at all of your choices is by changing your search parameters when you Google schools.
Try searching with the terms "beauty school" "anchorage", "beauty school" "alaska", "cosmetology school" "anchorage" or even "hair school anchorage and hair school alaska. You might try hairdresser institute and if you're looking for esthetician schools try spelling esthetician with an "e" and an "ae" as in aesthetician. Also try esthetician school anchorage, esthetics school anchorage, and esthetician school anchorage or esthetics school alaska. Good luck!
You need the MetrOasis Advanced Training Center & Beauty School!

Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.
John Ruskin
Quality is not an act, it is a habit.